(untitled poem)

writing poetry is fun when you have free time;

however, you might not take it seriously when 

you have bills piling up in the corner, when 

you have a pile of stacked midterms, when

you have an article due with the editor breathing

down your neck, when the editors are not

responding to the lengthy e-mails you send them, or

when you find that editors and readers want 

a different style than you are selling, and students

want a different grading system; you cannot pay

the bills without the CVV number, the QR code, or 

whatever that thing is; you cannot pay the bills without

an exorbitant convience fee that ain't so convenient;

editors don't care and students don't care that you have

bills due, and creditors don't care that you are done 

with their codes and numbers just like you are done 

with the numbers on the midterms, or the unreturned

phone calls to political campaigns; it is October 

in an election year; however, you should take that

seriously. writing poetry is fun when you have free time. 


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