Graveyarded: Arkansas Cemetery Tripping

I have not been to many cemeteries lately because I have been so busy teaching and writing. I am not working on any articles right now, but I have been writing fiction and teaching six classes. In between grading journals and discussion boards, I have not had the time to do much except listen to a few records and take walks. When I lived in Illinois, Amanda and John and I would go to cemeteries all the time, searching for famous and infamous people. In fact, I still have to post many of those pictures, including pictures from Showmen's Rest in Woodlawn Cemetery and the Haymarket Martyrs in Forest Home Cemetery. 

I miss going on these trips with them, but now and then, Carrie and I make it to local cemeteries. We visited three this weekend, including Rose Hill, Rest Haven Memorial Gardens, and Helms Cemetery. We visited several famous local graves in Rose Hill Cemetery include Harris T. Flanagin, Arkansas State Governor from 1862 to 1864, and Reverend John McLaughlin who founded Henderson State University as Arkansas Methodist College. Helms Cemetery is a local African American cemetery that contains many unmarked graves and was moved to its current location from its original site near Henderson State University in 1947.

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